Certification Advisory Circulation

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No Partial Certifications Permitted; NAID no longer allows partial Certifications. Any company that provides both Mobile and Plant-based services must be certified for both if they choose to be certified. Failure to do say may result in the removal of certification.

This also applies to Certification endorsements (Paper/Printed Media, Micro Media and/or Computer Hard Drives) if the destruction of the other types of media represented a significant portion of the company’s business and/or the destruction of these types of material are advertise and marketed to customers.

SecurShred has been AAA certified by the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) for both on-site (mobile) and off-site (plant-based) operation for the destruction of paper media and hard drives.

We are proud to be able to provide our customers with both on-site and off–site Certified destruction options. On-site (mobile) – We are able to provide secure destruction of your paper products and publications, as well as, hard drive destruction in our secure vehicles. Off-Site (plant-based) – Destruction at our facility we are able to securely destroy all paper media and hard drives and much more at our certified, secure facility.