1 in 5 Employees Share Passwords

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(So… What’s the Big Deal?)

About 5 years ago, Pwnie Express, a company that creates penetration testing

hardware, created a contest asking IT experts to identify how many security breaches happened in a 2 minute video. They premiered the video at RSA and dozens flocked to their booth and identified numerous security boo-boos. (if you wanna have some fun, you can view the video)

You’ll see numerous social engineering strategies employed coupled with passwords taped to monitors, scribbled on white-boards and dashed off on notepads. Sadly, no one seems to have learned how to secure their offices from an internal breach.

In a recent study, Switchfast surveyed 600 small busineses and discovered 1 in 5 employees share passwords. Why is this so harmful? According to the article,

  1. If something bad happens you can’t tell who did it.
  2. It makes your more vulnerable to social engineering.
  3. It makes changing passwords too painful to bother with.
  4. Everyone with a password can cause maximum damage.
  5. You don’t know who else has your passwords.


Not only are passwords neglected, but so are paper records. Many faux pas are due to lack of educating staff on the importance of destroying out-dated records or properly storing them in a NAID-certified secure service like SecurShred. We also handle electronic files and turn to our Ship n Destroy service for affordable ways to safely destroy old laptops, desktops and hard drive destruction.