Over a Half MILLION Trees Saved – Thanks to YOU for Helping Our Communities

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In this season of Thanksgiving, we want to tell you how much we appreciate you coming to our Shred Events, sharing them on social media and letting you know how far your box of paper goes to helping your neighbors. We want to preserve as much beauty as possible by helping businesses in Vermont, New York and Massachusetts reduce carbon footprints. Here’s how we do our part:

Did you know:

  • For every 150 pounds of paper recycled, one tree is saved. So far, over 524,000 trees have been saved..
  • Making paper from recycled paper uses 30% to 55% less energy than making paper from trees.
  • There is 95% less air pollution created when creating paper from recycled paper versus cutting down trees to make paper.

Even our shredding trucks use bio-oil. Our bio-oil is a bio-blend canola. Though we cannot cook with it, it is 100% biodegradable and is not considered hazardous. Each truck contains 55 gallons of bio-oil.

We know the ever-changing economics of the paper-recycling industry has pushed us to get creative with our partners. We’re proud to be part of Closed3 Loop – helping businesses re-use their own recycled paper.

If you’d like to be part of the solution, we’d love to talk with you! Learn more here: https://p3closedloop.com

To host a Shred Event, learn more here: https://www.securshred.com/ecycle_shred_events.php