Recycle and Reuse Policies

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Shredded Paper Is Recycled
All shredded paper is recycled into tissue paper products at a U.S. paper mill. Every year, SecurShred recycles millions of pounds of shredded paper.

  • For every 150 pounds of paper recycled, one tree is saved.
  • Making paper from recycled paper uses 30% to 55% less energy than making paper from trees.
  • There is 95% less air pollution created when creating paper from recycled paper versus cutting down trees to make paper.

Green Containers
Our lockable executive consoles contain 25% recycled materials. Our totes and our consoles are proudly made in North America.

Bio-oil Used In Mobile Shredding Trucks 
SecurShred in its efforts to go green changed its mobile fleet of shredding trucks to from regular hydraulic oil to hydraulic bio-oil. Our bio-oil is a bio-blend canola. Though we cannot cook with it, it is 100% biodegradable and is not considered hazardous. Each truck contains 55 gallons of bio-oil.

No Idling Policy
SecurShred has implemented a no idling policy for our diesel mobile shredding trucks. When not in use for shredding, and weather and other conditions permitting, our mobile shredding trucks will be shut down to save on diesel consumption and reduce air pollution.

Employee Recycling & Reuse Program
Our employees have been given reusable drinking containers to help reduce the use of plastic bottles and paper cups. All recyclable materials generated from our offices are routinely recycled through CSWD and not landfilled.