Life, Death and Apps: Winners of the $75k Move Health Data Forward

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Medical ComplianceWith sensitive PII (Personal Identifying Information) and Protected Health Information (PHI)under attack on a daily basis, the US Department of Health and Human Services, which manages HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), put together a contest to encourage development of secure apps for protecting PII and PHI through the “Move Health Data Forward Challenge.

Live and Leave Well focuses on end-of-life preparation to create a single data store to hold documents you might need such as a DNR (do not resuscitate directive) or medical power of attorney.

Docket is a comprehensive archive of your PII and PHI information, allowing a patient to use the app to streamline filling out forms, make appointments, track medications and even offering medical alerts with medical devices. Docket aims to put the patient in control of how and with whom their medical information is shared.

Docket’s website has it’s own SSL, which you’d expect, however, Live and Leave Well surprisingly did not have this capability installed at the time of this writing.

The $75,000 prize money was awarded based upon the implementation of privacy and security solutions in accordance with the Open ID Heart Working Group.

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