What Does it Mean to Service GSA Contracts?

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GSA Schedule Means Peace-of-Mind

Not only is SecurShred NAID certified, but we can also service all federal agencies and activities in the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Government contractors authorized in writing by a federal agency pursuant to 48 CFR 51.1. Mixed ownership government corporations (as defined in the Government Corporation Control Act).

What’s an R2 Certified Facility?

SecurShred also uses R2 certified downstream electronics recyclers (sometimes referred to as responsible recycling certification.) R2 Certification means that your electronics will be recycled according to strict, nationally recognized best practices and the certification and R2 standard is overseen by the R2 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). … This certification is intended for electronics recyclers.

What Records Can We Store for You?

Almost any kind of paper record can be stored in our records center.  We also digitize paper records into electronic records and send the data back to you in a form that works for your business.

Shred Events

Make sure you check it here to see our upcoming shred events calendar to shred your documents securely or host an event at your company to give back to your community.